Can you imagine being deeply connected to the woman you know yourself to be, to express yourself fully and follow a purposeful life? In our current society, it can be difficult to stay in alignment with our truest self and deeper calling, causing our authentic self and unique gifts to become masked, pushed aside or forgotten. But women are reclaiming their power, remembering their worth and stepping into who they were made to be.
This months theme is about expressing yourself authentically so that you can experience yourself as whole, interconnected and loved.
You are invited to join a supportive community of like-hearted women where you will be gently guided to tap into your power, purpose and wisdom. A space where your inner riches can safely emerge and be shared with others as you discover your fullest potential, see new possibilities, navigate life's challenges and allow for growth.
To help open our heart space and welcome in a loving energy we will share Cacao, a sacred ceremonial-grade plant medicine. There will be opportunities to engage in various practices and rituals should you feel called, including sharing, meditation, gentle breathwork, movement, singing, journalling, oracle card reading, and more.
The evening will end with a deeply relaxing sound bath with the gong, singing bowls and many more instruments to help us ground, harmonise and let all that we realised to settle into every cell of our being.
You will leave the sacred circle with a deeper connection to Self and to others and with a feeling that will warm your heart. From here you will step into your power, your truth and your most aligned version of self.