“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Sound healing in its purest form is an ancient form of therapy. To fully understand the concept of sound healing we must first recognise that we live in a universe where everything has a vibrational frequency. This includes our bodies, our thoughts and feelings. It makes sense that, since we are vibratory beings, sound frequencies interact with every cell of our body and impact how we feel.
Emotions that we consider uncomfortable or unpleasant vibrate at relatively low levels. Emotions that most people find pleasant and joyful vibrate at higher levels. Factors such as stress, anger, trauma and environment may negatively impact us which can cause a person's “life vibrations'' to become out of balance. As a result they may feel mentally, physically and emotionally unwell and may cause dis-ease to arise in our bodies. Using sound waves to counter this imbalance is thought to encourage the clearing of unhealthy energies and instead restore harmony and healing on a cellular level.
Sound healing is a deeply immersive experience where specifically selected instruments are used to create a diverse soundscape of harmonious tones, binaural beats and sonic frequencies. These specialised sound frequencies create a therapeutic atmosphere which help balance the body and mind to its most optimal harmonious state. By using specific rhythms and frequencies, you can shift your brainwaves from the beta state (normal consciousness) to the theta state (relaxed consciousness) and even the delta state (sleeping and repair), where we can experience peace and natural transcendence which allows access to deeper levels of inner wisdom and healing.
The Instruments I use include pure quartz crystal singing bowls, gong, shamanic drum, chimes, tuning forks, shakers, whistles, sansula and the voice.
We’ve all experienced the healing power of sound, whether we realise it or not. It may be a feeling of calm listening to the lapping of the waves, joy as we hear our favourite song or inner peace as the birdsong greets us. Any sound that helps us enter a balanced state is healing.
Sound healing has been practised as a powerful and effective healing modality for thousands of years as the ancients recognised the benefits. Now modern day science confirms the positive effects of specific frequencies of sound waves as a powerful and effective means of influencing our brain state and nervous system.
When applied correctly the sounds permeate our physical body and energetic system in several ways. Sound is processed through the ears, sending information to the vagus nerve which functions like your body’s natural reset button. Sound is also felt through the body as it vibrates through the skin, blood and bones, promoting circulation, energy flow, and rejuvenation. Furthermore sound healing alters our brainwaves helping to restore optimal vibratory frequencies of the cells in our bodies, returning us back to harmony and wellness. Imagine it as an energetic deep tissue massage which helps to release physical, mental and emotional blockages whilst restoring and rebalancing your vital life force energy.
Benefits of sound healing:
Calms the body and mind promoting feelings of deep peace and relaxation as you enter the meditative state.
Improves sleep, where healing occurs.
Releases emotional blockages and shifts frequencies from low energy to higher vibrations of love and joy, improving mood, emotional wellbeing and enhances your relationships to self and with others.
Your energy is replenished and vitalised.
Increases antibody production, strengthening the immune system.
Helps you access your inner truth and consciousness, leading to a renewed sense of purpose, well-being, and happiness.
Improves mental clarity, focus, attention, and memory.
Reduces stress, depression, relieves anxiety and tension.
Relaxes muscles, relieving physical tension thus reducing aches and pains.
Improves circulation.
Nervous system is rebalanced.
Increased creativity.
Mediates blood pressure.
Lowers cholesterol, Reduce inflammation…. and more!
A sound healing session, also known as a sound bath, is an opportunity for you to receive, reset and rebalance. Each session varies but will usually last 1 hour, starting with a gentle breathing practice enabling you to tune in and relax your body and mind. You will get into a comfortable position, which typically involves lying down on the floor on a yoga mat, perhaps cuddled up with a cosy blanket and eye mask. From there you simply listen to a variety of instruments being played as you "bathe" in the soothing sounds and vibrations. There may be periods of silence to allow you to absorb the sound. I ask that you participate by opening yourself up to become the receiver of the sounds and trust that the frequencies will stimulate the body's healing abilities. If you're attending for the first time or know you're particularly sensitive, you're welcome to position yourself near the exit and leave the room quietly during the session if necessary to avoid disturbing the other participants.
Like with most alternative healing modalities and meditative practices, everyone's experience is unique, and new things may come up in each session. It's possible for sound bathers to have a range of physical and emotional healing experiences. As you become deeply relaxed the mind becomes quiet meaning you may have visions, receive creative downloads, new ideas, inspiration, clarity or have an emotional breakthrough. Some people have very visual experiences, seeing colours, patterns or even dreamlike scenarios. You might like to have a journal with you to write down these experiences afterwards.
It is likely you will enter a deep meditative state at least once during the session, a feeling in which you are not quite awake and not quite asleep. You may find yourself floating between your conscious and subconscious mind, in a peaceful, dreamlike state. It’s normal to drift off to sleep. Know that the healing effects work just as well whether you are awake or asleep. Meanwhile, some people may emerge from a dreamy sound bath feeling more enlivened than blissed out.
You may feel physical sensations like tingling or a sense of heat or coolness in your body. Some people experience vibration in the body due to the powerful waves produced from some of the instruments such as the gong and drum. It’s normal to encounter energetic clearing in the form of twitching or involuntary movements in the body, usually through the hands and feet. This is a beautiful way of shifting stagnant energies, allowing your body to rebalance any emotional disharmony.
Sound healing may cause you to experience a range of emotions and reactions. These can include anything from crying, joy, laughter, irritation, feeling scared, bliss, euphoria and anything in between. The sounds work on what needs to be released. I encourage you to remain open, let any emotions come as they arise by simply using your breath to self-regulate and allowing the sensations to pass without attaching any label to them.
At the end of the session I'll gently guide you out of your relaxed state and help you to ground. Your body will continue to process the sound 24-48 hours after the session so it's not uncommon to experience emotional or physical changes and perhaps dreams and downloads.
Although sound healing has been used for centuries as a safe and effective healing modality there are certain circumstances when it is advisable to speak with a GP before attending a session. As the instruments have the ability to influence our body, minds and mood there are times when it is important to treat sound healing with caution. If you find that you have one or more of the following conditions but are still interested in the healing effects of sound healing you should consult your GP before attending.
Neurological conditions
Sound induced epilepsy is when certain sounds affect the brain and can trigger a seizure.The sound is unique to the person who will usually be aware of their own conditions and triggers. If you have Parkinson’s disease and have a deep brain stimulation device (DBS) please avoid attending sound healing sessions until you have first spoken with your doctor. As with all neurological conditions, I advise you to please consult your GP to discuss if it is safe for you to receive a sound healing session. It may be that you can attend but remain further away from the sound.
Although there are many benefits to be gained from relaxation and healing sounds to the growing foetus and mother, sound healing is not advised when in the first trimester of pregnancy. The first 12 weeks are a delicate stage of pregnancy when the developing foetus is most vulnerable. Did you know that the foetus’s ears are the first sense organ to fully develop?And since sound travels faster through liquid, which the baby is surrounded by, the sound would be amplified for the foetus. After the first trimester it is advisable that expectant mothers who choose to attend can position themselves further from the source of sound. It is recommended that placement of any type of therapeutic sound tool ‘on’ the body is avoided especially in the first three months of pregnancy.
Mental health conditions
We live in a world where stress and challenging emotions are normal from time to time. However, it is advisable to speak to your doctor, psychiatrist, or therapist if you have severe or clinical mental health and are considering attending a sound healing session. This may include, but is not limited to, PTSD, severe depression or anxiety, mood disorders and psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.
Sound healing affects people in different ways. It’s common to enter meditative states that allow individuals to reflect on themselves. Their thoughts can elicit the release of strong emotions which can, at times, feel uncomfortable. It is important that participants during a sound healing session are comfortable to explore and process any emotions, thoughts and feelings. If you wish to receive sound therapy for things such as PTSD, anxiety, or depression, it is important to find a professional who is knowledgeable, and capable of understanding and supporting you with the specific trauma that may arise for healing during your sessions.
Implants or plates in the body
Although sound healing is incredibly gentle and noninvasive I advise you speak with your medical professional if you have an implant or plate in your body. There is a chance the vibrations will travel through your body, causing a disturbance of the implant or plate which could lead to discomfort, injury or malfunction. let the sound therapist know before the session begins so they can accommodate the session for you.
Sound sensitive & Highly Sensitive people
Some people may experience emotional or auditory distress upon hearing either certain sounds or loud noises. If you are hypersensitive to sound or know the noise may trigger irritation it may not be suitable for you to attend a sound bath. It would be best to have a discussion in advance of the session so as to create an experience best suited to your needs. This may involve positioning yourself further away from the source of the sounds & ensuring no sound is directly aimed at you during the session.
Hearing impaired
Sound healing can very much still benefit people who are unable to hear the sounds as we receive the healing vibrations through our body. I would suggest anyone who is hearing impaired for be closer to the instruments
Healing Minors (under the age of 18)
Permission from the parent or guardian must be provided before providing a sound healing session to a person under the age of 18.
Placement of instruments on the body.
Often it is safe and beneficial to receive a sound bath but not to receive placement of instruments directly on the body as the physical contact may cause irritation or injury. Please seek advice from your GP if you have any of the following conditions: inflammatory skin condition like psoriasis, eczema, or hives, skin infections, contagious skin conditions, have had recent surgery, if you have a high temperature, previously experienced stroke, brain injuries or brain operations in the past, meningitis, haemorrhage, haemophilia, acute pneumonia, lung infection or inflammation, kidney failure, kidney stones, respiratory failure or inflammation, liver failure or inflammation, highly metastatic cancer, patients with blood infections (sepsis, bacteremia), blood clots.
The beauty of sound healing is that it is generally suitable to all at any stage of life. Sound baths are beneficial regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, culture and beliefs. You don't need any particular skill, ability or experience as you are mostly lying in a comfortable position receiving the sounds. If, however, it is your first time attending or your health circumstances have changed please be aware that there are some situations where sound healing may not be appropriate. (See FAQ ‘‘Are there any precautions or contraindications?’)
I provide sound healing for a wide range of participants including expectant parents, children, the elderly, terminally ill, those with profound and mild learning difficulties, disabilities, festival goers, employees, celebrities and more. So, whether it is your first-time or you're a sound healing regular, I welcome you to ReNurture.
Although most public group sessions are for those 18 or over I do provide sessions for children/families. When taking bookings for children I need consent from the parent or carer before doing so. If it is a private session then I ask that the parent/carer attends the session too for safeguarding issues.
Before a sound healing session:
I encourage you to wear comfortable layered clothing as your body temperature may fluctuate.
Please bring your own yoga mat, blanket and eye mask, if required.
Bring a bottle of water.
Bring a journal and pen should you wish to write anything after the session.
Arrive early for registration and to allow for set up. Note that latecomers are not permitted access as this may cause disruption to the session.
Think about an intention you might want to set before the session.
You will be required to turn your phone off during the session. Please notify others should they need to be aware.
After a sound healing session:
Make sure to rest and remain relaxed so as to promote healing.
Drink plenty of water to help flush out toxins.
Practice grounding.
Spend time in nature.
For 1:1/private sessions we will have an initial consultation so that I can better understand your individual needs and provide a personalised treatment.
Do not touch the instruments, even if you are super curious. If you damage something you are responsible for replacing it.