Womens Circles.
Gathering together in circle is an ancient practice used as a form of social interaction where people shared stories, dances and songs and passed down wisdom and traditions that kept them alive and healthy. There is evidence of women’s circles dating back to 800 CE with menstrual huts (red tents) and moon lodge traditions For too long, the modern world has tried to make us forget our feminine power and ignited a fear of judgement in showing up as our authentic selves. The patriarchal and misogynist ways have driven a wedge between us creating oppression, isolation, competition and comparison, causing us to lose trust in one another and to dim our light. But there is an undeniable awakening as women form deep connections with one another and remember their place, worth, wisdom, inherent talents, values and power that our world is so desperately in need of. Gifts such as intuitive living, nurturing, creativity, connection to nature, spirit and unconditional love.
There is something powerful about women gathering together within a safe and sacred space. It becomes an energetic collaboration where we often find comfort and connection through hearing others tell their stories and experiences, judgement-free. A space where we centre ourselves, call in the divine feminine and be witnessed and heard.
My intention is for women from all walks of life to reunite in an ancient, sacred way once again, to honour ourselves and one another. From this safe, caring space we are part of a community that enables a genuine reflection and witnessing of others who encourage us to stay committed to representing the collective expression of the Feminine, who help us to remember who we truly are as we connect with our divine self. We feel uplifted as we receive wisdom, love and support. It evokes, amongst many things, a reclamation of our birthright, innate wisdom, sovereign power, unique gifts, sensuality, creativity and an ability to express our valuable voice.
What happens during a circle?
Each circle is unique and will vary depending on the energy present, the season and the intentions we bring but some typical practices that you may experience include:
Moon rituals
Embodied movement
Sound bath with healing frequencies for you to receive, rebalance and revive.
Energy healing
Gentle guided breathwork
Oracle card reading
Setting intentions
Nervous system regulation practices
How long does a circle last?
The time will vary depending on various factors e.g. size, and type of event however they usually last 2 hours. Note that I aim to keep the group size to a minimum to allow an opportunity for each person to share if they feel called.
What are the benefits of attending a circle?
Some common valuable experiences include:
Finding deeper connections within ourselves and with others
Being heard and witnessed in a caring space
Healing old wounds
Setting intentions that help create momentum in your life purpose
Feeling safe and supported
Deep Relaxation
Making heart-centred decisions
Improved relationships with your own gender
Feel lighter as you release stuck emotions
I get really nervous speaking in front of others. What are my options?
Everything we do in our circles is by invitation. No one is forced to speak should they not wish to. There are opportunities to talk and listen, but should you not wish to share that is welcomed. Often people find that the more they attend circles the safer they feel to share their voice. Remember sharing doesn't have to be through spoken word. Perhaps you will find other ways to express your gifts, to be witnessed and honour yourself such as writing, through movement or art.
Who can attend a circle?
If you feel the call to sit in circle and identify as a woman you are so very welcome. My intention is to make circles inclusive and intersectional in nature. The space is open to women of all ages, backgrounds, faiths, colour and ethnicities. Please do reach out to me should you wish to discuss any queries you may have about joining a circle.
What do I need?
You will receive all relevant information in an email telling you specifically what you will need for the circle but some common things you may need iclude:
Journal and pen
Blanket, cushion, eye mask & socks (to keep your feet warm)
Comfortable Clothes
Headphones, internet connection and a quiet, uninterrupted space (if joining online)
Bottle of water
Mug - for cacao or tea
Crystals (optional)
Foraged items to add to the altar/nature mandala in the centre . Please do not buy anything. Examples include: old flowers, pine cones, sticks, shells, rocks, anything that nature may invite you to pick up.. If unsure or can't, please do not worry about it.
Open Heart, Open Mind, Open Arms
Some Circle Agreements:
Leave your masks and judgements at the door
Come with an open heart, an open mind and compassion for yourself and others
Be willing to listen with discernment, curiosity and compassion (not judgement)
Hold stories or personal material in confidentiality
Encourage and welcome diverse points of view
An openness to receive and be held in reciprocity
Are there any contraindications?
A Sound Bath may not be recommended for the below. Please speak to a GP/myself if any of these conditions apply to you.
First trimester of pregnancy
Heart conditions such as a pacemaker
Sound epilepsy or sensitivity to sound
Metal implants
Severe mental health issues.
In some circles, we will share Cacao, a nurturing, heart-opening plant medicine. It is important to be mindful of its use to get the most benefit. In most cases, there are no concerns to be aware of however when drinking higher doses of ceremonial cacao it is important to practice mindfulness. Should you wish to attend, but do NOT wish to drink cacao you are absolutely welcome.
I would love to join a circle. How do I book my place?
You can find details of all ReNurture events, including future circles in the Upcoming events section. I also facilitate circles for private events. Should you and your loved ones have a special occasion you wish to honour, drop me a message and I will happily discuss how we can create a beautifully bespoke circle to remember.
Do you hold circles for private events?
Absolutely. I am happy to create a bespoke package to suit your needs. Perhaps you want to honour a life-affirming time including births, unions, or in celebrating a loved one, including yourself. Drop me a message here and we can arrange a time to have a chat about what you may be looking to create.