As we approach Summer Solstice and enter a new season, we will be gathering together to celebrate the light and all that it brings. Summer offers us the opportunity to observe how much is blooming within and around us. In circle, we will take the time to honour and express gratitude for the change and growth we have experienced. This safe space will allow us to pause and reflect on our unique blessings and manifestations that have occurred since the last solstice in winter.
You are invited to experience this month’s circle as a real celebration of your own and others’ growth, successes and strength. We will enjoy rituals such as making headpieces, dancing, singing, and sharing a small feast whilst also allowing for inner reflections, meditation and journaling.
To help open our heart space and welcome in a loving energy we will share Cacao, a sacred ceremonial-grade plant medicine. There will be opportunities to engage in various practices and rituals should you feel called, including sharing, meditation, gentle breathwork, movement, singing, journalling, oracle card reading, and more.
The evening will end with a deeply relaxing sound bath with the gong, singing bowls and many more instruments to help us ground, harmonise and let all that we realise settle into every cell of our being.
There is nothing quite like being in a circle with a supportive community of women who inspire one another to share their gifts, wisdom and love.
You will leave the sacred circle with a deeper connection to Self and to others and with a feeling that will warm your heart. From here you will step into your power, your truth and your most aligned version of self.